If you remember, a couple of weeks ago NBA superstar Allen Iverson was stopped by the cops in a routine traffic stop. A.I. Lamborghini was impounded by the police after he was caught driving with expired tags. He was then given a ticket and left the scene in an accompanying friend’s vehicle. Well the police has released a report on the incidentand state A.I. reportedly  asked the arresting officers “Do you know who I am”.

But wait there’s more. According the police report obtained by CNN, A.I. was riding in a car with his friend Antwuan Clisby who was pulled over for making a lane change without signaling. In the report, Clisby couldn’t produce documentation for the vehicle and asked if Iverson could leave so he could eat dinner. When the cop refused, that’s when A.I. allegedly became enraged and said,“I’m the fucking passenger!”. Thats when Backup was called and both men were asked to exit the vehicle. The cops then discovered that the car belonged to A.I. but the tags were expired two years ago prompting police to tell him that the sports car would be towed. That’s when Iverson reportedly continued his tirade as documented and told officers,

“Take the vehicle, I have 10 more. Police don’t have anything else to fucking  do except fuck with me. … Do you know who I am?”

The report went on to say, A.I. went on a rampage for the next 20 minns.. Sheesh, what do you think Guilty as charged or Over exaggerated?

About Buddy Peace

Im One Dope A$$ Bloger.. Fu%k With Me, Im On Some Other $hit!!

2 responses »

  1. Anonymous says:

    hes a dick, its a fact

    • Anonymous says:

      shutup yu so stupid A.i is the best basketball player ever he crossed M.j wht yu sayin foooo

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